While state and federal laws protect nursing home residents from abuse, far too many nursing home residents suffer from reviews of various kinds. Obviously the hope is that your loved one would never experience the use of the hands of their caretakers, you cannot be too sure. If you fear that your loved one has experienced abuse at the hands of nursing home caretakers or other physicians, reach out to a nursing home abuse lawyer such as the ones available at Davis & Brusca, LLC.

So what should you do if you need to file a request for an investigation into nursing home abuse of your loved one? Well, if you are experiencing a medical emergency or you believe your love is in immediate danger at the nursing home, call 911. The police will be able to dispatch a car and an ambulance depending on the severity of the situation. By doing this, you will be gathering evidence to give to a nursing home abuse lawyer if you later go to trial about the issue at hand. However not every situation is going to call 911. This is only if your loved one is in immediate danger.

If you need to report suspicions of abuse, you can use any of the following resources, this is not a full list as there were resources being created to protect elderly will and loved ones and nursing homes every day. Investigations may take some time and you may also want to make arrangements to transfer your loved one. It is possible, but your nursing home abuse lawyer can give you advice on doing that.

You can call the office of the Adult Protective Services agency. And maintain offices in every single state, and they will investigate your complaint and take necessary action to ensure that everyone in the homes is safe.

You can also file a complaint against the facility by contacting the state of  Department of Health. You can file an online form, or call the complaint hotline which is available 24 hours a day seven days a week.

Your nursing home abuse lawyer may feel that it is lucrative to file a complaint against a staff member at your nursing home. If you want to make a complaint against the doctor or nurse or other healthcare professional at the facility, you can do so by telephone or mail. The board of medical examiners handles complaints about physicians, the board of nursing handles complaints about nursing staff. You must take your complaint to the correct person.

You can also contact the office of ombudsman for the institutionalized elderly which helps to protect the rights of residents age 60 and older who live in long-term facilities or nursing homes. Your nursing home abuse lawyer may be able to provide numbers and emails and other forms to contact the appropriate people by.

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